Urban bees bij The Hub (English)


De Hub Film Night is donderdag a.s. (25 nov) gewijd aan stadsbijen. De avond is in het Engels. Lees de uitnodiging hier:

Dear friend of the bees,

Where would we be without bees? They pollinate 30% of our food, and
provide us with honey, wax and medicine (that is, if we take it from
them). Since the 1990s there is a growing concern about the wellbeing
of bees. Due to mites, pesticides, mono-cultural agriculture and
climate change, they have a hard time surviving. Urban beekeeping is
becoming more and more popular. And rightly so. In our cities there is
in general more biodiversity (gardens and parks) than in our
farm-areas, so the bees actually seem to do better in the city.

This months’ Hub Film Night is dedicated to bees & the city. Urban
rooftop beekeeper Carien de Jonge will share some bee-insights, show
films about beekeeping in several major cities throughout the world
and share what you can do to help bees in your neighborhood. And last
but not least we show the premiere of 'Urban Hive', a short film by
Rosh Abdelfatah about urban beekeeping in Rotterdam.

Feel free to inform others who may be interested!

Price: Free. Do bring food, snacks, or drinks to share (this is how we
can keep doing it for free)
Date, time, location: Thursday November 24, 19.30 hrs @The Hub
Rotterdam, Heemraadsingel 219

Registration: Email  Joost, HUBFilmNight@gmail.com. Do not forget to
register, since the space is limited.

Hope to see you there.

(the Hub is an international community of social innovators, therefore
these events are in English.)

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